Outcomes of Team Building

  • Builds Community

  • Problem Solving

  • Innovation

  • Happiness

  • Personal Growth

  • Less Burnout

  • Employee Collaboration

  • Employee Communication

  • Employee Morale

  • Many More…

Traditional Team Building

By learning about the goals and desired outcomes of your team, we design and facilitate fun and impactful team programs. Teamplay empowers participants to engage with each other through fun activities that highlight opportunities for individual, group and organizational growth.

    • Have Fun With Your Team

    • Promote Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

    • Interact in a Safe Environment with Peers

    • Learn your Strenghts and Opportunities for Growth

    • Transfer Lessons Learned Back into the Workplace

  • Prior to your event, we will ask a few questions to better understand your goals so that we can begin designing a unique program for your group.

    Sequencing is a key component of how we build trust and rapport with your group so we’ll start with activities that will break the ice and create a safe space for all participants to fully engage.

    Each corresponding activity will be intentionally sequenced into the program to reflect the group’s changing energy and to address your organizational goals.

    The debriefing of each activity will consist of varied methods for transferring the lessons learned through these experiences to help the group progress through the program.

    We culminate our programs with an activity that focuses on the entire experience and the key takeaways that will benefit individual group members, the team, and the organization.

The Triple Bottom Line

  • People

    Investing in your people creates a healthier workplace by building a culture that supports the development of your team.

    Hands of different colors representing different nationalities holding each others wrist making a square.
  • Planet

    The environmental crisis doesn’t hinge on just one person…it will take a team effort to address the social and environmental challenges our planet faces.

    Satalitte image of planet earth.
  • Profit

    Teamwork results in improved efficiency and critical thinking that can save time, money, and energy to improve your bottom line.

    Hands holding out a ball of $100 dollar bills.

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."

-Henry Ford