The past decade (2011-2020) was the warmest on record, with global temperatures averaging 1.2°C above pre-industrial levels.

-World Meteorological Organization 


Eco Puzzle Quest: Team-Building for Climate Change Education & Action

Engage in a collaborative, puzzle-based activity that educates participants on climate change, its impacts, and solutions, while fostering teamwork and creative problem-solving.

    • Increase awareness of climate change and the 2050 Net-Zero Goal.

    • Understand the differences between 1.5°C and 2°C of global warming.

    • Explore critical topics such as bioaccumulation of plastics, emerging energy technologies, and climate resilience.

    • Highlight the social and economic benefits of taking climate action.

  • Engage your team in a dynamic and educational experience with Eco Puzzle Quest. This program combines teamwork and problem-solving with climate change education. Participants will collaborate to assemble puzzles that reveal key information about climate change impacts, solutions, and the importance of sustainability. Through this interactive activity, your team will deepen their understanding of critical environmental issues while brainstorming actionable ideas for a sustainable future. Ideal for building awareness and fostering collaboration, Eco Puzzle Quest is a fun and impactful way to inspire climate action.

  • Choose from our standard puzzle designs or work with us to create custom puzzles that reflect your company’s mission, values, or specific sustainability goals. Whether you opt for the standard or custom designs, you can enhance the experience by adding frames to display the completed puzzles. This allows your team’s work to be showcased as a visual reminder of your sustainability efforts, either in your office or as a thoughtful gift to the community.


The Triple Bottom Line

  • People

    Organizations with strong sustainability programs have 55% higher employee morale, 38% higher employee loyalty, and 16% higher productivity.

    -Harvard Business Review

    Hands of different colors representing different nationalities holding each others wrist making a square.
  • Planet

    Education and awareness programs can lead to a 20% reduction in waste and a 10% reduction in energy use within participating organizations.

    -EPA: Environmental Education and Awareness

    Satalitte image of planet earth.
  • Profit

    Companies that integrate sustainability into their business strategy are more likely to lead their industry and have higher profitability.

    -McKinsey & Company

    Hands holding out a ball of $100 dollar bills.

We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.

— Barack Obama