Compost Ingredients…

Food, Water, Time and Air

Youth holding worms and digging in a worm composter

Composting 101 Program

Join us to learn the basics of composting and how to divert food waste from landfills by building your own worm composter.

    • Have Fun With Your Team

    • Learn About the Benefits of Composting

    • Build and Design a Working Worm Composter

    • Create Educational Signage to Display with the Worm Composter

    • Discuss Actions to Reduce Food Waste at Home and Work

  • Kick off with fun team-building exercises to introduce composting basics. Then, work together to construct a worm composter with guidance from our staff. Design educational signage to accompany the composter, and wrap up with team presentations and a discussion on food waste reduction strategies.

  • Donate your worm composter and educational signage to a local camp or school or keep yours and build an extra one during your event.


The Triple Bottom Line

  • People

    Over 60 percent of what we put in our landfills is organic waste, such as food scraps, yard trimmings, and paper, much of which could be recycled by composting.

    -Holistic Management

    Hands of different colors representing different nationalities holding each others wrist making a square.
  • Planet

    Organic waste in landfills generates, methane, a potent greenhouse gas. By composting wasted food and other organics, methane emissions are significantly reduced.

    Satalitte image of planet earth.
  • Profit

    By using compost, farmers and gardeners spend less money on expensive fertilizers and pesticides, water, and irrigation.

    Hands holding out a ball of $100 dollar bills.

“The ground’s generosity takes in our compost and grows beauty!

Try to be more like the ground.”

— Rumi