The average home today contains 62 toxic chemicals - more than a chemistry lab at the turn of the century.


Green Cleaning Program

Bring your team together to learn about alternatives to conventional cleaning products by making DIY Green Cleaning Products using ingredients that are commonly found in your home.

    • Have Fun With Your Team

    • Learn About the Impact of Conventional Cleaning Products

    • Make an Array of Green Cleaning Products

    • Create Educational Labels to Highlight your Green Cleaning Products

    • Discuss Actions to Make Your Home and Work Place Healthy

  • We’ll start with some traditional team building games to break the ice and introduce the impact of tradiitonal cleaning products and how we can keep our spaces clean and safe by using Green Cleaning alternatives.

    Each team will then use the supplies and recipies to make an array of green cleaning products.

    Our staff will help you along the way to provide assistance throughout the event.

    Your team will also use educational resources to create labels that will be displayed on the green cleaning products.

    Teams will present their products to close the event with a discussion about actions they can take to make their homes and work spaces safe and healthy.

  • Donate an education kit of the ingredients, recipes, and containers to support a local camp or school in creating a healthier space.

A bottle of essential oils

The Triple Bottom Line

  • People

    Many cleaning supplies or household products can irritate the eyes or throat, or cause headaches and other health problems, including cancer.

    Hands of different colors representing different nationalities holding each others wrist making a square.
  • Planet

    Many surfactants used in conventional products biodegrade slowly or biodegrade into more toxic, persistent, and bioaccumulative chemicals, threatening aquatic life.

    Satalitte image of planet earth.
  • Profit

    Thanks to the combination of chemical advances and the desire to rid harsh chemicals from the industry, green cleaning product manufacturers have made their prices much more comparable to standard cleaning product prices.

    -Wilburn Company

    Hands holding out a ball of $100 dollar bills.

The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.

- Marie Kondo